Answer the Greatest Need
of the African Church
Access to seminary-level theological
training is urgently needed in Africa.
Seminary-level theological training is virtually
unavailable to the church in Africa.
Many christians in Western nations are surprised to learn this, but the African church is largely excluded from the
wealth of theological resources available everywhere in the world. Deep theological training in Africa is:

85-90% of African pastors have no access to theological training of any kind, to say nothing of the ability tp earm a Master's degree. Even books are hard to come by.

The few books which are available are too expensive, and traveling to the West to earn a degree is impossible for most.

Books from the West use illustrations from Western culture. Effective teaching to African culture requires in-person teaching with an African and perspective.
Unlock the key to greater growth and stability in the African Church
God is speaking clearly through church leaders in Central and Eastern Africa. Theological training is their most urgent need. It equips them for all the work which lies ahead.
Well-Trained Pastors
We're training emerging leader to mentor and train local pastors who want greater knowledge and support for teaching the Word to their communities.
Defending Theological Truth
Orthodox Christian theology is under assault in Africa by distortions like the Prosperity Gospel. Local leaders must be equipped to counter false teaching.
Deeper Understanding
A new generation of African scholars will lead the way to a deeper understanding of God's Word. This will strengthen local churches and bless both Africa and the global church as new wisdom is shared.

Hear from God's Church in Africa.
Meet the present and future leaders of the African church as they express the urgent need for
seminary-level theological training and the need to re-contextrualize it for local ministry.
Here's Our Mission
This is the path my partners in the ministry here in Africa and I feel called to follow.

Establish a Seminary
In partnership with local church leaders, we plan to build a Master's of Divinity program for Central and Eastern Africa.

Make It Affordable
The seminary must be able to help support students with financial assistance and housing to be a viable solution.

Teach the Teachers
Graduates will go on to mentor and teach local pastors, plant churches, and write new theological resources for their church in the African Context and beyond.
Share the Vision with Us
A new seminary opens up endless possibilities for the church in
Central and Eastern Africa and beyond.
- Creating invaluable opportunity for students to learn in-person and in community.
- Building a strong foundation for church planting.
- Fostering church growth with deep spiritual and theological roots.
- Providing affordable access and financial support for students.
- Creating the conditions for new theological studies and works to be written specifically for the African Church.
- Raising up African missionaries to translate the Word and minister to unreached regions in the continent.
God's church in Africa should have
access to the same theological
resources as the rest of the world.
This is why my family moved to Zambia in 2020.
I partner with the African church to provide seminary level education for its emerging leaders. Now located in Kenya, our goal is to help found a seminary in Nairobi to serve Central and Eastern Africa.

While we lay groundwork for the seminary
Here’s how I currently fulfill our mission here:
- Teach courses in theology and biblical students to students in Central Africa Baptist University and the Nairobi Center for Reformed Theology.
- Develop M.div program in partnership with African pastors and schools in US.
- Help qualified students to pursue doctoral level education.
We're so grateful for your support.
Hear more from Mike and His Students
As I look back on the path God has led me on, it's amazing to see his specific care and the ways he prepared me for this work. Gratefully, I present these qualifications for academic leadership. (CV available upon request.)
- Doctor of Philosophy: Union School of Theology/University of Chester, England.
- Masters of Theology: Westminister Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
- Masters of Divinity: Capital Bible, Seminary, Lanham, Maryland.
- Associate Professor of Theology: Faith Theological Seminary, Baltimore Maryland.
- Senior Pastor: Greenbelt Baptist Church, Greenbelt, Maryland.
- Instructor for the Simeon Trust preaching workshop ministry.
- Contributor to Academic Journals and
- Our ministry is supported and guided by New Life Church in Kingsville, Maryland.
Here are a few thoughts on the vision God has laid on our hearts. Help us make theological education affordable and accesible in Africa.
Here’s how your donations through
New Life Church are being used!
Support for the Christ family!
Tuition, resources, and books for students.
Suport for bringing high-qualified, visiting professors from the States